The Arts
The West Australian Curriculum: The Arts Foundation to Year 10 comprises five subjects:
- Dance
- Drama
- Media Arts
- Music
- Visual Arts
The West Australian Curriculum: The Arts aims to develop students:
- creativity, critical thinking, aesthetic knowledge and understanding about arts practices, through making and responding to artworks with increasing self-confidence
- arts knowledge and skills to communicate ideas; they value and share their arts and life experiences by representing, expressing and communicating ideas, imagination and observations about their individual and collective worlds to others in meaningful ways
- use of innovative arts practices with available and emerging technologies, to express and represent ideas, while displaying empathy for multiple viewpoints
- understanding of Australia's histories and traditions through the Arts, engaging with the artworks and practices, both traditional and contemporary, of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
- understanding of local, regional and global cultures, and their Arts histories and traditions, through engaging with the worlds of artists, artworks, audiences and arts professions.
These aims are extended and complemented by specific aims for each Arts subject.
The Arts have the capacity to engage, inspire and enrich all students, exciting the imagination and encouraging them to reach their creative and expressive potential.
At Wattle Grove, the school has specialist programs in Visual Arts and Music. Students are also offered specialist Dance classes by external providers, as a part of the school curriculum.
Telephone: 08 9237 6600 Address: 73 St John Road, Wattle Grove WA 6107