
Darling Range Learning Community

The Darling Range Learning Community is a school network consisting of Darling Range Sports College and it's six feeder primary schools, including Wattle Grove Primary. The other primary schools in the Darling Range Learning Community are Dawson Park, Edney, Forrestfield, High Wycombe and Woodlupine Primary Schools.
Darling Range Learning Community is a dynamic learning community of schools reflecting educational excellence, collaboration and enriched opportunities that lead to quality outcomes for the new generation of students.

The Darling Range Learning Community has four major values that drive the network:

Partnerships, Excellence, Innovation and Learning.

In order to achieve this across the network, there are a number of teams that have been established. There are regular Leadership, Teaching and Learning, and other specialist team meetings within the network.

Students participate in a range of network events, showcasing their skills in Academic, Sporting and Arts programs.

Home Learning Packages
Telephone: 08 9237 6600 Address: 73 St John Road, Wattle Grove WA 6107